Saturday, November 19, 2011

Has anyone a suggestion to stop my cat climbing up my net curtains?

I have this gorgously friendly cat called Nelson. Most of the time he's calm and spends his time curled up or sprawled out sleeping. But occassionaly he'll come screaming (not literally!) in from the garden, rush round the furniture, jumping from chair to chair and end up at the top of the net curtains hanging there, waiting for me to get him down!

Has anyone any suggestions?

Has anyone a suggestion to stop my cat climbing up my net curtains?
If you buy a water pistol or a water bottle from garden centres that you spray planks and fill it with water you can spray your cat when it climbs the curtains, thus it will associate that bad behavious such as climbing the curtains = a spray of water
Reply:trim and file his nails
Reply:Hi Val

your cats playing games with you and he knows once hes up them curtains you are going to give him some attention. Try and dis track him when he comes in or change the way he comes in as cats don't like changes Good luck an thumbs up for a good Question
Reply:yes, get rid of the net curtains which are sooo old fashioned.

Otherwise, get a small water pistol and when he climbs, say nothing, just squirt. That way he will think it's the curtains doing it and not you. so even if you aren't there, he won't climb them.
Reply:get rid of the cat or nets
Reply:First of all, you don't need to get him down, he can get down himself. As for stopping him climing the curtains try using a waterpistol. Each time he does it, sqirt him, but don't let him see you doing it. He will then associate being wet with climing the cutrains, he won't know why, but he won't want to do it again. The important thing is that he doesn't see you doing it so that he thinks its something to do with the cutrains.
Reply:put orange peel at the bottom of the nets as our cat did not like the smell and would not go any where near it.
Reply:It is much more easier than trying to train your cat. There is a spray that is healthy and very good for the animals. It is called NO SCRATCH! All it is, is a pheremone that is used to defelct a cat away. It is totally harmless and humans can not smell it, just spray it on your curtains. That way you will both be happy!! It really works I used it on my xmas tree for my cats!!!! Good Luck
Reply:Get a spray bottle and everytime he does that, spray him with cold water, most cats hate water and he should learn that way!!
Reply:take them down.
Reply:take the nets down i have now mine run up the curtains instead .:)
Reply:take it to your naboores curtons so it can tear thoose up not yours
Reply:My husband had a similar problem one time (this happened before we met, but he loves to tell the story). His kittens loved to climb the curtains, and he wanted to break them of that habit. He got a supply of narrow rubber bands, and left small stashes in several places in the living room. Whenever he saw a cat on the curtains, he'd grab the most convienent rubber band and fire it at the offender. The startled and stinging kitten would let go. Before long, they'd learned not to climb the curtains.
Reply:keep a water bottle by you with a spray on it. Spray him every time he gets up there. He will eventually stop. That's how I got my cats to quit climbing the christmas tree.
Reply:there is a spray you can buy at pet stores that doesn't stain, and cats don't like it. Try that on your curtains, or just keep telling him off when he does it - rolled up newspaper on the backside is a good, noisy but soft smack
Reply:Every time you see the cat do this spray him with a spray bottle. Cold water.
Reply:remove the netcurtains and get some shades
Reply:I hope you pay no attention to anyone who tells you to declaw him. For one, it sounds as though he goes outdoors, so he needs the claws. For two, is there any way you can try some two-sided sticky tape on your curtains? Cats hate the feel of it on their paws and if you could stick some where he lands on the curtains, it just might work. Good luck to you and Nelson!
Reply:get him a big tall scratch post to climb instead.

i caught my cat climbing the wall in the sitting room!
Reply:get blinds
Reply:you could try putting a double sided tape on your curtains, cats hate sticky stuff, or you could use a spray bottle and spray him everytime you catch him on the curtains. I would try the sticky tape first, the spray bottle thing didn't really work on my cat, but then again, she is weird and loves water. good luck
Reply:take off your curtains
Reply:Take the curtains down.
Reply:Get him one of those "Kitty Jungle Gyms"; consists of wooden poles coated with carpet; perfect for your kitty to scratch on and stretch his claws and to play on. =)

of the curtains
Reply:water gun
Reply:declaw him
Reply:Why don't you amputate it's legs?

(Dogs are much better anyway)

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