Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please help with my business name!!?

I want to use S.T.O.P. as the business name which will be shortened words, only prob is I know that the O will be 'of' and the P 'Pendine' (thats the name of the town I live in) but what could the 'S' and 'T' stand for???

S____ T_____ Of Pendine ??????

I offer various services including - cleaning, carpet fitting, garden tidying, furniture assembly, valeting of cars and caravans, removal and dismantling of unwanted furniture, rubbish removal, pressure washing and more.

HELP!!! thanks

Please help with my business name!!?
Super Top Of Pendine :)
Reply:Serving Those Of Pendine
Reply:stop top man of pendine !!
Reply:Simple Tidying of Pendine
Reply:Sundry Tasks of Pendine .............................

Select Tasker of Pendine .....
Reply:Sure Thing of Pendine
Reply:Services Taken of Pendine?

Service Tasks of Pendine?
Reply:that's a great idea, but a really tough one! i see you have some useful answers so far though which is good.

but how about running a competition in your area through your local newspapers, or with local secondary schools/colleges etc to get all the locals to come up with a name.

That way you get free PR in the local newspapers, school/college newsletters etc both announcing the competition in the first place and then announcing the winner, perhaps with a photo of you handing the competition winner their prize (which doesn't have to be expensive - how about an MP3 player for a tenner?) and if you get photographed with the winning name/logo being held up too then it gets it in front of people right from the start. then once they start to see your business up and running they will already be familiar with the logo/name etc and your business will have instant credibility.

This is just an idea - adapt it at will!
Reply:Stellar Taskmasters of Pendine
Reply:Simple Task of Pendine

Please help with a name for my new business!?

I offer various services including - cleaning, carpet fitting, garden tidying, furniture assembly, valeting of cars and caravans, removal and dismantling of unwanted furniture, rubbish removal, pressure washing and more.

I want a name that is really memorable and stands out, please help with ideas. (I don't want to use my own name as part of the business name!! )

Please help with a name for my new business!?




HANDY ANDY (doesn't have to be YOUR name)



Maybe add the name of the town you operate from

Hey .... if I WAS any good I would be doing it for a living.
Reply:man that can
Reply:what about, Swift 'n' Tidy
Reply:Gold services
Reply:Pristine People.
Reply:Scrub n' Tidy of Pendine.

If you're looking for a wholesale janitorial supplier,email me .

How about "superstar tradesman"
Reply:all kinds of everything.

1000 jobs, 1 man.
Reply:just call it HANDYMAN UNIVERSAL and get a graphic of a superman type bloke on your van,holding a drill and a rake or sumething .
Reply:ANY STUFF,ALL KINDS, JACK AND ALL TRADES. Have a happy Christmas
Reply:What about 'Your Every Wish'?
Reply:A to Z Service.

ATOZ at your service.
Reply:jack of all trade

or handy-dandy man

Need to find harmless powder to kill fleas?

In the past I found a powder that kills all small insects (fleas, gnats, lice, including spiders) that are harmless to cats, people and babies. I found this powder at 'Art Knapps', a garden store. I cannot remember the brand name or company to this powder and nobody at the store knows of this product anymore. You are able to powder all furniture, floors, plants, animals, and it won't harm you even if your toddler or kitten crawls around and roll in it and happen to get some in their mouths like they will do......help!!!!!! This was the best product that I have ever used and it killed off the fleas within a day or two.

Need to find harmless powder to kill fleas?
I use raid flee killer spray. It even kills the eggs. I used it 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen one alive flee since. Its also guaranteed to work for up to 4 months.
Reply:I would try using Diatomaceous earth lightly applied to pets and their bedding. Work it in using a brush or broom. It kill fleas by drying them out, causing the insect to lose moisture.

But make sure not to use glassified diatomaceous earth manufactured for use in swimming pool filters; as it can cause the lung disease, silicosis.

I would also suggest biological controls

Predatory nematodes that prey on flea larvae and pupae as they are developing in soil are available commercially. The nematodes are mixed with water and watered into lawns to reduce outdoor flea populations. Strong reductions in flea populations are possible if temperature and humidity conditions allow the nematodes to thrive. Nematodes are available from Gardens Alive! (812/537-8650) and other garden supply stores.

And maybe the use of Lufenuron if the flea are out of control for indoor pets

Lufenuron is a drug that prevents a new generation of fleas from developing. It is an insect growth regulator that is passed from the pet's blood to the flea.

Adult fleas feeding on a pet given lufenuron will not be killed, but they will not lay eggs that can successfully develop.

Although it has some toxicological problems for pets, its primary advantage is that only the pet with the flea problem is exposed to the chemical control.
Reply:It's Sevin dust... and they don't make it anymore : ( I don't know why.

I used to use it in my vegetable garden, just a little bit as needed when I saw bugs, so that I wouldn't have to use insecticides all the time. One application would do it.
Reply:I am not sure waht product you are talking about but I AM sure it is NOT seven dust!!! Seven dust is VERY toxic and can still be found in most garden departments and carries serious warnings!

What I HAVE found (at Walmart) is a product called "Nature's Guardian" by Seargants.

This comes in drops for dogs and a powder for the rest of the house. It is made of all natural oils that is NON TOXIC!!!! The only draw back that I have found is that it STINKS!

It has a strong smell that is simular to cinnamon. If you are unsure about it you can always check it out. (smell for yourself in the powdered form.)

As a mother of 4 dogs and have raised 2 children, I am concerned about toxins to both aspects of our family.

I hope this works for you.....Good Luck
Reply:You can try this all-natural flea powder. I have heard from several freinds that it truly works.

Natural Animal Flea Powder

check it out at http://www.naturalanimal.com/dogflea.php

running shoes

Do you need to give your pet a pill?

How to give the cat a pill

Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Throw Tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.

Tie cat's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

Arrange for SPCA to collect cat and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

How to give the dog a pill

Wrap it in bacon.

Do you need to give your pet a pill?
My first real laugh of the day! Thank you, you cheered me up!
Reply:Ha! Very true. Cats are so fun.
Reply:What's the question here?
Reply:That's so funny! I hate having to "medicate" my cats. I have to give Kinsey a thyroid medication once a day now. I'm lucky it is not a two times a day dose.

Why does that bottle of amoxicillin in the refrigerator seem to go on FOREVER. I would swear some gremlin puts more in it every night when I am sleeping. I am surprised the cat doesn't get in there and empty a little every day.
Reply:This is an oldie but a goodie! It's very similar to "how to get your cat in the carrier so you can take him to the vet". Anyway, there is a new product on the market called "Pill Pockets" for both dogs %26amp; cats. The cat ones come in chicken and salmon flavors. You hide the medication inside, seal it up and watch your kitty gobble it up like a good patient should! It's amazing! I wish somebody had told me about these sooner. Check them out at http://www.healthypets.com/pillpockets.h... .
Reply:ha. I just finished giving my cat a round of pills for a sinus infection...It pretty much went exactly like that, minus the emergency room.
Reply:Funny! How about Dogs Letters to God

Dear God,

How come people love to smell flowers, but seldom, if ever, smell one another? Where are their priorities?

Dear God,

When we get to Heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or is it the same old story?

Dear God,

Excuse me, but why are there cars named after the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, the colt, the stingray, and the rabbit, but not one named for a dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? We dogs love a nice ride! I know every breed cannot have its own model, but it would be easy to rename the Chrysler Eagle the Chrysler Beagle!

Dear God,

If a dog barks his head off in the forest and no human hears him, is he still a bad dog?

Dear God,

Is it true that in Heaven, dining room tables have on-ramps?

Dear God,

If we come back as humans, is that good, or bad?

Dear God,

More meatballs, less spaghetti, please.

Dear God,

When we get to the Pearly Gates, do we have to shake hands to get in?

Dear God,

We dogs can understand human verbal instructions, hand signals, whistles, horns, clickers, beepers, scent IDs, electromagnetic energy fields, and Frisbee flight paths. What do humans understand?

Dear God,

Are there dogs on other planets or are we alone? I have been howling at the moon and stars for a long time, but all I ever hear back is the beagle across the street!

Dear God,

Are there mailmen in Heaven? If there are, will I have to apologize?

Dear God,

Is it true that dogs are not allowed in restaurants because we can't make up our minds what NOT to order? Or is it the carpets thing, again?

Dear God,

May I have my testicles back?
Reply:Laughed about the stiches part, I have the proud war wounds of pill giving from a cat!!! As being the first step in care giving to animals coming into our shelter. I got the great and wonderful job if giving pills to all the new animals. I got to be an expert at it, but not after a few deep scratches and bites!! This is a funny rendition

Does target sell potting mix?

i need soil to grow lavender in,and i can only shop at target...do they have it in store? im looking online and dont see it anywhere on their site, also the garden section in target stores isnt too exstensive, its mostly just patio furniture

Does target sell potting mix?
Reply:yes, Target sells potting soil and other gardening stuff..... happy planting! :)
Reply:Most stores selling potting mix, including some supermarkets.
Reply:yes in the garden section
Reply:Yes , I go to target alot.

They have potting soil , and also alot of cute guys for you to gawk at!
Reply:i believe they doooo
Reply:Why not go to a local nursery? I can understand not going to Wal-Mart, but you should be able to go to a local nursery to buy potting soil..

Critical Thinking Questions?

3. Two people, starting at the same place walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk another 3 meters. Which of these answers is closest to the distance between them in metres?










4. If you rearrange the letters MANGERY, which of the following categories does it best fit into?









5. Carlos has a box of apples. He eats one apple, then gives half the remaining apples to Pete. Carlos then eats another apple and gives half the apples he has left to Sheila. There are five apples left in the box at the end. How many apples were in the box at the start?












Critical Thinking Questions?
10, country (Germany), 23

Legally Binding Agreement?

I agreed to buy a property from a seller %26amp; we both agreed on price, what the price covered i.e. fixtures. furniture, garden items etc and both agreed to proceed on that basis. However when individual solicitors had been instructed the seller had by then altered the inventory of items %26amp; the price, and his solicitor saidthat our original agreement was not legally binding despite that agreement being the very basis on which we had both agreed to proceed.... Cant be right , can it?

Legally Binding Agreement?
If the agreement is signed and states that changes may be made then there is a possibility it might still be valid, but can still be argued against.

As circumstances have changed since the agreement was made, then it's validity is in question. The solicitors will know.
Reply:i think it is legally binding, in equity terms that is. does the US have equity?
Reply:Reading your question you said it was not legally binding,I think you thought you could take the person for there word,but now days if not on paper you just lost out to all that you wanted,if the seller has already did this I would look else where for property,but all ways have things in writting,sighned, dated,and wittness, and on property I would even go the extra mile and get a notrary,this way everything is what the two partys agree on.Good Luck!
Reply:Well, I'm not lawyer, but wouldn't he say something like that to keep you from suing his client for breech of contract? After all, lawyers only offer opinions. Why don't you see what YOUR lawyer's opinion is?
Reply:A sales agreement is legally binding when both sides agree on the terms and when there is "consideration." If you made a deposit, a down payment, the contract should be binding. You should never trust lawyers who represent the other party. Get a legal opinion from your own lawyer.

If you have to file a law suit to enforce the contract, ask yourself if it will be worth the time and expense. It appears to me that the seller is not a person to be trusted under any circumstances.
Reply:that's why you hired your own solicitor. walk away from the deal, tell them that's not what you agreed to. Get your earnest money back if there was any. he will come after you.
Reply:Check with your solicitor or the Citizens Advice Bureau if you're in UK - from what I remember from civil law classes, even a verbal agreement is legally binding.....
Reply:If the agreement wasn't in writing, then it isn't binding. And unless you've already gotten financing and it's been paid to the seller you are not obligated to purchase the property.

You can always tell him that your financing fell through and you won't be able to buy it.

If it was in writing then show your copy of the agreement to the solicitors and this should tell them the seller is trying to break the agreement. And this could make any of the agreement null and void.

Help for melasma

How can I find some one who want to import granite ,marble ,sandstone mosaic productions from China?

I am an oversea marketing supervisor in China,my boss asked me to deploite oversea market.our company supply granite ,marble ,sandstone ,slab,tiles,cube stone,mosaic,monement ,carving stones,countertop,vanitytop,stairs,garde... furnitures and we also produce stone productions as clients' request.How can I do it well?

If any one can offer me someone who want to import stone productions in China ?it will be great appreciated.My E-mail %26amp;yahoo!messeger is :stonemaster@yahoo.cn

How can I find some one who want to import granite ,marble ,sandstone mosaic productions from China?
Did you try


lots of buyers and sellers go there.

Toddler bedroom? (Also in Home & Garden)?

I'm going to move into a new house soon, and need some ideas. I am due with a baby boy in November, but I already have furniture and Noah's Ark bedding for him. I also have a 13 month old boy but have no idea what I want to do for his room. He has always slept in bed with us and never had his own room so I have nothing for him (actually, the furniture and bedding for boy #2 was originally for my oldest but never came out of storage and has never been used). The room he will be in has a high bay window, too. I want to do something original with the paint, maybe a cool theme room. I don't want any cartoon characters, though. I refuse to do winnie the pooh or cars or anything too cliche. I like the idea of maybe a forest theme with trees painted on the walls, or a beach theme - something like that.

Any suggestions?

Toddler bedroom? (Also in Home %26amp; Garden)?
since his room has a large bay window (lucky little one!) I would definitely go with a "nature theme"...think in terms of longevity (you might not want to do a mural of trees only to find out in a few yrs he's a sports fanatic and hates camping lol)

use decorative accents to match your theme (and you can buy a white "wallpaper" type materieal so your decorations aren't permanent)

example- an outdoorsy theme- light blue walls...darker blue as you get to the ceiling...those cool glow in the dark star constellations) hang a fishing pole on the wall, etc...

beach theme would be good too (same kind of color scheme...you could use beach balls, umbrellas, sea shells, sand art etc)

have fun!
Reply:it sounds like you know what you want kinda, look into pottery barn, they have some great ideas for boy rooms, they have a bed shaped like a boat, ask you local lowes or home depot about paint and how to, they are a great help. but also a room to grow with would be a sports room.
Reply:Well all boys love Thomas The Tank Engine, i have an 11yr old boy who has loved Thomas since he was a baby and now my 3yr old loves it. You can get cute Thomas beds and chairs and even wall decos

Why the weird behaviour two months on?

ok we had a row.he insulted me,I let it go,he plays games with him and I play games with him..so on for nearly ten years.I let the insult go and we were getting on fairly ok..we work together.We both went through a kind of upset stage cause we really (well I think anyway it was mutual) liked each other and yes there were underlying feelings.Then yest I am outside talking to a mutual female friend of ours,an elderly lady and he comes over and sits on a seat right in front of us(garden furniture).She says hello to him,he says a couple of words back,looks at me,then sits on the seat and completely turns his back to us.Now he could have even sat sideways,its a circular seat,but no he turned his back and sat alone there right in front of us.She even thought it a bit weird,but she doesn't know about the row.He went through a phase of being nice to me,then basically ignoring me,then we were workmates kind of again.I thought we had turned a corner.What gives?This behav is not like him at all

Why the weird behaviour two months on?
mayb you should ask him so sit near him and say have i done somthing wrong .. but somtimes sum ppl get like tht .. so mayb you should let him come to you but i think you should ask what have i done wrong .. or go out there and speak to him or somthing .. try and start a conversation and get things normal again .. good luck

For An Indian Garden; let's say you have a new house ~ or an older one ~ what would you like for your garden?

Namaste ~

What sort of trees please you?

And a lawn? And flowers?

I might get some colored gerbera daisies and a mango tree.....and if it is an older house, maybe a little pool for some fish in a quiet, shady spot

...and some outdoor furniture

What would you like?

For An Indian Garden; let's say you have a new house ~ or an older one ~ what would you like for your garden?
better also get two palm trees (so that when they grow suitable size you can hang on the nylon), alo get some beautiful different coloured roses, sunflower, stone furntiure. no mango trees , roots may bring cracks in your building (i am a victim), a small pool to have lotus in it. or fountain in middle. that would be a dream garden for me....
Reply:i have noticed that nothing can grow, not even grass. under the shade of tree.... have flowers and vegs which u will enjoy changing according to season... and u will be looking forward to .. y can have a small fountain and a lawn if u have space and water supply
Reply:even some forrest variety like australian babhool are good for shade.

amongst fruit trees, go for some lime tree, and coconut trees, with tamarind tree.

silver oak on the boundaries.

velvet jumping grass for the lawn, with stone tiles for the road.

wrought iron furnture for the garden is great.
Reply:Deinitely Palms (u hav an amazing amount of variety of palms).... i have about 25 varieties!....

and a few Asokas(the ones that spread and dont go straight up)....

For year long flowers, Roses and Hibiscus(though very prone to pests), many other seasonal flowering plants are there that you'll hafta keep changing every few months
Reply:Fruit trees, vegetable and rose plants
Reply:I would grow fruit trees like mango,guava,tamarind etc......
Reply:In my little garden I have a wide variety of things. I grow my own herbs and zucchini...lavender, sage, basil, cloves, parsley, rosemary, lemon balm, and catnip. Flowers I have daisy's, roses, moss roses, lillies, geraniums, petunias. Lots of hostas and different grasses. I have my frog house, a bird bath and feeders, and lots of little friendly gnomes and wind chimes and tinkling bells. My little garden is a friendly little place to just hang out and watch the butterflies and bees.

riding boots

Im not a backyard breeder, but here are TEN REASONS WHY TO BREED YOUR DOG!!!!!!!?

1) You think the house is too orderly.

2) You're already an insomniac.

3) You want your vet to buy a new BMW.

4) Your furniture looks to new.

5) You love the sound of puppies in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight, predawn, etc.

6) Your garden and backyard need renovating and you don't want to pay a landscaper.

7) Your neighbors don't complain enough already.

8) The kids aren't really a challenge.

9) If you can train and show one dog, why not ten.

10) You can't think of a better way to test your spouse's loyalty.

Anyone agree?

Im not a backyard breeder, but here are TEN REASONS WHY TO BREED YOUR DOG!!!!!!!?

i love you!!

i was totally ready with a rant on how stupid you had to be if you were going to try to make a case for breeding your dog!
Reply:How about, I just bought stock in the dog food company and I want to see my share prices rise? LOL you got us again.
Reply:As a former breeder, I could not agree more.

Everyone thought I was getting rich since my pups were selling for such a high price. Sire and damns (2) were all champions. Excellent blood lines, intelligent, responded to training well.

I had one litter a year, rotating the females. Litters were 5-7 pups each and sold for $500 (nueter contract for pet only) to show quality between $1500 and $3000.

I made a grand total of $985 in 5 years. I have my tax returns to prove it. With my time investment, I figure about 40 cents an hour.

I don't regret it as every single pup was placed with a GOOD home. I did not place until 12 weeks minimum. I meet great people and keep many of them as friends.

I finally saw the light and gave up, nuetered my 3 dogs and they live happily ever after with me as my dear friends.

I train and show for others as a hobby and I actually make a few $$ doing it.

I also volunteer at the humane society and breed rescue so I don't want to hear about never breeding your dogs.

It should be VERY selective and restricted, I agree.

Blanket statements just don't work.

Your Top Ten made me relive some fun and painful moments.

Thanks, it was very funny.

I love it!!! Too funny!

Thanks for sharing
Reply:LOVED IT! :)
Reply:Well written.

Thumbs up!
Reply:Those are some great reasons not to breed!!!
Reply:# 11 - My pups are SOOOOO cute that Coach is designing a new bag good enough to carry them in. (and Paris will model, of course, of course)
Reply:I am good with all but number 3!

Ummmm.....I usually loose a good $1000 or so when I have a litter.

How about:

12. I bought stock in Mr. Clean, so I want to use as much as possible!
Reply:15. You love you dog so much that you want to speed up her trip to heaven by not spaying and making her pop out a litter of pups every year.
Reply:LOL....that's great. I'm gonna have to share it if that's OK with you.
Reply:Sounds good! Now I'll breed for sure ;)
Reply:Here's number 11

You want to make sure that for every puppy born to a backyard breeder-- at LEAST one puppy will be put to death at an animal shelter because there are Not Enough Homes For Them All.
Reply:11.. So the kids can see the miracle of birth

12.She should have one litter before she is spayed/he is altered.

13.You want to recoup your investment

14. She's just so nice all my friends want one of her babies and I want one just like her.

15.Puppies are cute, people always want puppies

( Sacarsm :) )

Almost everybody loves puppies. Who could resist that sweet puppy breath or soft, downy fur?

Unfortunately, when it comes to dog breeding, a love of puppies is simply not enough to breed your dog. Hundreds of puppies are born every day, and hundreds of adorable puppies are put to sleep in shelters across North America. We have a serious pet overpopulation problem right now.

The Reasons People Want to Breed Their Dogs:

I want another one just like my dog. I want to make money. I want my children to witness the miracle of birth. Puppies are cute, there's always people who want puppies.

The Reasons People Should NOT Breed Their Dogs:

I want another one just like my dog.

This never works according to plan. When a dog gets pregnant, the puppies will take the father's traits, personality, and physical, and the mother's traits, and mix them up, taking some of one, some of another, and developing their own altogether. You will never get a perfect match. In stead you may end up with the worst traits of both dogs.

Even cloning a dog has proven that while a genetic match is possible, looks and temperament are still in the hands of Fate.

I want to make money.

I can't believe people can still think they can make money off of puppies. The cost of breeding will overshadow any profits you think to make. The puppies need their first shots before going to their new homes, the mother needs frequent check-ups, and heaven forbid if something goes wrong. And something always goes wrong.

I want my children to witness the miracle of birth.

This "miracle" can now be easily viewed by both children and adults thanks to such wonderful programming as "A Baby Story" and "Maternity Ward", both available on cable television.

Not only that, but how much of a "miracle" will your child be seeing if your beloved pet dies halfway through delivery?

Puppies are cute, there's always people who want puppies.

No, unfortunately this is the most ignorant assumption made these days. Not everybody wants puppies. Hundreds die everyday because of the lack of homes. How heartbreaking to hold a twelve week old puppy and put her to sleep because somebody thought for sure there would be somebody else who wanted her.

For every puppy born, three die in shelters. There are too many out there and not enough homes for them all.

If this is not enough reasons to stop you from breeding your dog, then here are a few more:

Complications in birth and pregnancies happen all the time. You could face losing your dog to death, and all the puppies with her. Will YOU pay the $1200.00 for a much-needed emergency cesarean section when she cannot deliver the pups?

What about sexually-transmitted diseases? That stud dog you had picked out may have one. They are more common than you think.

How about genetic diseases? They abound.

Breeding is not a careless affair, it is so much more than bringing ***** and stud together during a heat cycle.

Please think it over carefully.

(The truth )
Reply:If you could somehow work in that the litter of pups would be able to also fix my roof, I would be all over breeding my dogs. I wonder if they can reverse a spay and neuter . . . hmmmmm that might also contribute to my vet's purchase of his new BMW. . . I'll definitely have to check on that!
Reply:SPAY OR NEUTER!!!!!!!!

1.Not all dogs are built to be bred.

Most pets, although lovable, are not of breeding quality because they have genetic defects and other problems that should not be perpetuated. People who breed dogs for a living are very careful about choosing which dogs they will breed together based on physical characteristics and behavior. Some people decide that it would be fun to breed and just start looking for a dog that has the proper equipment and is willing. This can be a huge mistake.

2. There are already too many dogs in the world.

Breeding your pet is a serious endeavor and should not be taken lightly. There are far too many pets that end up in shelters without good homes. If your breed of dog has large litters, what will you do if you are unable to sell the puppies? Do you really want to contribute to the massive problem of pet overpopulation?

3. Dogs that aren’t neutered face serious health risks.

Consider your dog’s own health. Male dogs that are neutered are less likely to be hit by cars, because unaltered males have a very strong urge to roam and find a fertile female. Male dogs will go over or under fences, through doors and windows, and will pull leashes out of unsuspecting hands in quest of a mate.

Additionally, neutering greatly reduces the incidence of prostatic disease and eliminates testicular cancer in males, and cuts down on breast cancer in females. The possibility of uterine infections is also eliminated by spaying.

4. Female dogs used for breeding may have unwelcome visitors.

If you spay your dog, you will not have to chase persistent male dogs out of your yard. Also, you won’t have to worry about cleaning up messy heat cycles.

5. Be prepared to work like a dog when your pet goes into labor.

Many people do not realize just how much work and expense is involved with letting dogs have puppies. Getting the mother through pregnancy is the easy part, but labor is truly laborious for dog and owner alike. Dogs usually decide to have their puppies at the most inconvenient times, like 2:00 in the morning when veterinary hospitals are closed.

If your pet develops a problem during delivery, it means at least the expense of an emergency call. If the complications are life threatening, you must be prepared, especially if you have a breed of dog that has a broad head like a pug, to pay for an emergency C-section. It is very distressing to have to leave home in the middle of the night, worry about your pet, get a large veterinary bill and then try to explain to your boss why you cannot possibly come to work the next day.

6. It can be devastating when the puppies die.

There is always the prospect of the loss of some or all of the puppies. A neonatal mortality rate of 10 to 30 percent is considered normal. And, it’s easy to lose a puppy if you don’t have the experience or knowledge to care for newborns. Because puppies are not able to regulate their own body temperature initially, you may need to supplement their environment with heat.

7. Not all dogs make the best mothers.

If your female doesn’t have enough milk to feed all its puppies, or decides that feeding her offspring is not her cup of tea, it will be your responsibility to provide them with nutrition every three to four hours, round the clock. And how many mouths are there to feed?

Another aspect of puppy care that you can look forward to if your dog wants nothing to do with her brood is the manual stimulation of urination and defecation. Until puppies are three weeks old they will only void if directly stimulated. If mom isn’t doing this, you will need to take a moistened cotton ball and gently rub the urogenital area until the babes begin to urinate and pass stool. Failure to do this can result in some pretty unhappy puppies.

8. Good luck seeing a profit!

Your last responsibility before they go to a new home is to have them dewormed, vaccinated, and examined by a veterinarian. You will want to make sure that you have budgeted a sufficient amount for this purpose. Needless to say, if you decide to breed mixed breed puppies, you have no opportunity to recoup this expense.

Puppies are a lot of fun and it can be very exciting when they are born, but more often than not, owners find themselves in over their heads when they decide to endeavor into breeding.

Article republished here with permission from VetCentric.com

Copyright(c) 2000 by VetCentric.com
Reply:Don't forget

You love to wake up with the sun, so those puppies that insist on getting up at 4AM won't be a problem at all!

You could use the exercise anyhow, cleaning up all that puppy poop would be a good workout.

You LOVE doing laundry!
Reply:And everybody should "own that cute 8 week old pup"
Reply:#14. Your dog is SO nice and sweet you want to SHARE his or her babies with the world....

Reply:I already financed my vets new BMW, now we are paying for his beach house!
Reply:What a gem! Thanks for sharing your creativity.
Reply:I agree 110%, also #11 should be, I don't need genetic testing done on my breeding dogs,I breed only to have cute puppies !
Reply:nice i agree with you 110 percent ! lol :)

Toddler bedroom? (Also in Home & Garden)?

I'm going to move into a new house soon, and need some ideas. I am due with a baby boy in November, but I already have furniture and Noah's Ark bedding for him. I also have a 13 month old boy but have no idea what I want to do for his room. He has always slept in bed with us and never had his own room so I have nothing for him (actually, the furniture and bedding for boy #2 was originally for my oldest but never came out of storage and has never been used). The room he will be in has a high bay window, too. I want to do something original with the paint, maybe a cool theme room. I don't want any cartoon characters, though. I refuse to do winnie the pooh or cars or anything too cliche. I like the idea of maybe a forest theme with trees painted on the walls, or a beach theme - something like that.

Any suggestions?

Toddler bedroom? (Also in Home %26amp; Garden)?
OOOOH, those sound really nice. Go with something that is relaxing and won't be too scary for him. It may be tranquil for you, but for him the trees may seem scary. You don't want something too dark in color. I would be tempted to go with the beach or ocean theme.

What does your son like???? Let him pick some things out for his room, he will also be more likely to sleep in there if he gets to pick it out.

Good Luck.

Looking for a room in a fully furnished shared flat in Antalya, Turkey that you can spend your summer?

A big welcome to long sunny days!!


One room is available now in a shared flat which is 5 mins. to Konyaaltı Beach by foot;10 mins.to Migros (The Shopping Center),15 mins. to Museum in the City Center,30 mins to City Center,Kalekapısı by bus. The flat is also near to the special health center (5 mins.),to the bus routes to the popular touristic places like Kemer, Beldibi, Kaş, Kalkan that you can go and see for the day and also near to a tennis court that you can pay for and play. The room is large (5x6 square meters), it recieves light.. it has furniture ( bed, wardrobe, table, chair etc.) and the flat also has necessary equipments like washing machine, fridge, cooker,kitchen stuff and cleaning stuff and dining table, tv,etc. plus DSL internet connection.. There is central heating system in the flat which means 24h hot water..The flat is in ground floor of a 4 floored house which receives sunlight and in a big garden with lots of flowers.

Looking for a room in a fully furnished shared flat in Antalya, Turkey that you can spend your summer?
Sounds beautiful. Good luck finding someone

I asked a question earlier about sunbathing naked in your own back garden!?

Half of the answers seemed to think it was wrong. The other seemed to think: "What the hell!"

I was delivering furniture when this happened to me.

The lady, and her daughter- after I politely coughed to let them know I was there - were fine and offered me a a glass of lemonade, while myself and my colleague fetched the furniture from the lorry.

These were perfectly respectable people. Why is it Americans have such a hang-up about nudity.

PS: I also got a tip of £20.

I asked a question earlier about sunbathing naked in your own back garden!?
I think it great laying out in the nude!

But never fry bacon in the nude. Ouch!
Reply:I think it's perfectly fine to sunbathe naked in your own backyard. After all, it's your property. Just watch out for nosy neighbors.

Americans just like everything to be politically correct. Don't mind us.

What was the address????
Reply:Go for it, it's your back yard, and your tan-line free body!
Reply:elegant people are nude only in the bathroom or in bedroom, when it is necessary.

Mother and daughter nude in the garden? tasteless and very Jeryy Springer!!! Big NO NO!
Reply:Its your backyard. If you want to sunbathe naked than go for it.

family nanny

Why the weird behaviour two months on?

ok we had a row.he insulted me,I let it go,he plays games with him and I play games with him..so on for nearly ten years.I let the insult go and we were getting on fairly ok..we work together.We both went through a kind of upset stage cause we really (well I think anyway it was mutual) liked each other and yes there were underlying feelings.Then yest I am outside talking to a mutual female friend of ours,an elderly lady and he comes over and sits on a seat right in front of us(garden furniture).She says hello to him,he says a couple of words back,looks at me,then sits on the seat and completely turns his back to us.Now he could have even sat sideways,its a circular seat,but no he turned his back and sat alone there right in front of us.She even thought it a bit weird,but she doesn't know about the row.He went through a phase of being nice to me,then basically ignoring me,then we were workmates kind of again.I thought we had turned a corner.What gives?This behav is not like him at all

Why the weird behaviour two months on?
hmmm .. quite strange. Maybe part of the game playing? maybe he missed you and just wanted to be near you?
Reply:Could you rewrite that in English please?

This is mad isn't it?showing your back?

ok we had a row.he insulted me,I let it go,he plays games with him and I play games with him..so on for nearly ten years.I let the insult go and we were getting on fairly ok..we work together.We both went through a kind of upset stage cause we really (well I think anyway it was mutual) liked each other and yes there were underlying feelings.Then yest I am outside talking to a mutual female friend of ours,an elderly lady and he comes over and sits on a seat right in front of us(garden furniture).She says hello to him,he says a couple of words back,looks at me,then sits on the seat and completely turns his back to us.Now he could have even sat sideways,its a circular seat,but no he turned his back and sat alone there right in front of us.She even thought it a bit weird,but she doesn't know about the row.He went through a phase of being nice to me,then basically ignoring me,then we were workmates kind of again.I thought we had turned a corner.What gives?This behav is not like him at all

This is mad isn't it?showing your back?
Yes I would say it is mad. You should try and figure out what has made him so upset.

How do i deal with nuisance neighbours?

we live in a flat and the people upstairs are always on the wind up. they put their music on loud especcially if they know you are at work that night or the next morning. They are the usual sort, on benefit fraud and the woman has been in all the time that they have lived there. They also deal in weed from the flat which we find disgusting especcially since she has a child and as the parents of 4 and one on the way I would never do such a thing. They steal, borrow things without asking such as garden furniture and then we find them slung back instead of put back where they were(these items are taken from our balcony area to where they have no right to be). I need to find a way to get one up on them, without getting myself into any trouble. can you please help me anyone out there. They are unbearable and I cant put up with it any longer. we have been to the council about the problems but they wont do anything to help.

How do i deal with nuisance neighbours?
we used to live in a flat with very similar neighbours above us, they were old 3 story blocks and the main drain was visible in the stairwells, my husband drilled a hole in this drain level with the top of our door and squirted a can of expanding foam in, this caused their toilet to back up and made their flat stink for about 4 days till the council found and fixed the problem,

we also found a good way to stop their late night music, take a concrete paving slab into the bedroom and start drilling into it with a hammer drill at 8am for about 2 hours, after about a week the late night music stops because they are being stopped from sleeping all day they fall asleep at an almost normal time at night.

also do you know that in most blocks of flats the electricity supply to the flat above passes through your flat........ do you know an electrician wink wink nudge nudge.

the same goes for their water supply to...
Reply:Where We live we report it to the neighbour nusiance, at our local housing office, they should have one where you are, if not ask the housing office to point you in the right direction, and if you get no joy from them go to your local councillor and have it out with him/her, that sort of behaviour would not be allowed to carry on where we live, they would get warnings and if it didnt stop then they would get evicted, goodluck.
Reply:Phone the Benefit Fraud Hotline. You can do this anonomously. Also keep records of any disturbances/loud noise etc. If you present the council with a diary of incidents they will monitor the noise levels. If you have no luck with the council contact your local MP. With regard to the weed just inform the police that you think they are dealing and they will watch them.

Good luck
Reply:OK well i don't believe the Council wont do anything its just these things take time to be looked into as there are alot of legal channels the Council have to follow. The best thing you could do now is speak with Environmental Health within your local Council and log a noise complaint they will send your neighbor a generic letter saying someone has complained about the noise but it wont name you, You will also be given some diary sheets to keep track of the noise- this can be anything music, shouting, banging around anything. after you have filled in the diary sheets for a few weeks an Environmental officer will come and listen to the noise it could eventually lead to them ceasing music equipment or if it is a Council flat even eviction. Now the weed issue can only be resolved by the police if you tell them your suspicion they will raid there flat. Your furniture well if you call the police about that they will know it was you so sounds to me like it might be easier to ignore that for the time being.
Reply:My sister has the same kind of trouble and her kids are been threatened they are scared to leave the house , police will not intervene so I suggest videoing everything ,council are useless and so are the police so you will have to take it further above the police or something make a diary with the video evidence ,this will make the council and police look a right twat I can't really suggest anything else ,my sister has still not help with her trouble yet and things are beginning to get more violent for her ,

sorry I can't be much help and good luck with everything
Reply:If they're dealing weed, why not report them to the police?
Reply:well ilive in the country thank God and dont have neighbors to deal with.but if i did and the law woudnt help,i think i would pull some pretty nasty pranks no them!

beings they have a child i might call social services,also if you have a way lock your stuff up

i still think maybe a trap on the balcony might put a smile on your face!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Get some photos for evidence, keep a diary, times etc what time noise occurs, build yourself up a case, so that the council take you seriously.

Dont loose your cool (hard I know!!!)

I agree if there dealing in drugs report them to the police.

Good Luck !
Reply:If council will do nothing, then your best bet is to get as many other neighbors as possible together and go knock on their door, citing your complaints in a mature, calm way [even if they slam the door in your face]. Let them know they are being watched by many people, rather than it just being you, so if they choose to retaliate in an immature way while you are away, they will be seen. Let them know any illegal things will be reported to the authorities without warning, as well as noise disturbances.

Nobody likes to be watched all the time, they will either calm down or eventually move. There is power in numbers.
Reply:You phone crimestoppers and social services and tell them about the weed. Problem sorted.

Bad storms and property damage?

in this part of UK we have had alot of bad weather recently, the night before last was one of the worst we have had yet, i woke up yesterday morning to find that one of the walls had been brought down, the gap is about 30 foot wide it's been stood there for many years and it has crushed all my garden furniture even a massive brand new BBQ that i got for the summer, there have been some work men drilling next door and doing some demo work on the building...i cannot see the wind blowing such a huge wall down like that..do you think it may have something to do with the workers and the drilling that's made the wall collapse...i have 2 small grandchildren who play in the garden all the time and if one of them had have been out there, lord knows what my have happened.....is this the workers fault or did the weather bring the wall down? because i need my landlord to do something about it, also the gap leads out onto the main road and i have a very inquisitive cat who loves to venture out.....

Bad storms and property damage?
Sounds like those workmen and their drilling is responsible for the damage, are you insured, if so get in touch with the insurance company and they will be able to give you the real reason for the damage, hope you get things sorted out and thank goodness your grandchildren were not there when it happened.
Reply:It is your landlords responsibility and I hope hes been and sorted things out for you, don't let them pull the wool over your eyes and if they try, get a free half hour with a solicitor and stand your ground, good luck. Report Abuse

Reply:Structural engineer to investigate the wall, leash for the cat!
Reply:Check to see if they've dug any footings out from the other side of the wall. Or removed earth close to it. That's their fault then, bad weather or not.
Reply:Forget the cat.

Get on to the Council surveyors and get them to investigate.

If you have home insurance contact the company and give them the facts.

Now to the cat.

Lock the door to the room that is open to the elements. If the house is not fit or dangerous the council should re house you.
Reply:Are you sure your grandchildren weren't tormenting your cat, causing it to jump on the wall and knock it down.

shoes stock

I need help to find a name for my new business?

My husband is going into a business partnership with his friend. They will be making custom designed sheds, Fencing, Gates, Pergulas Garden furniture etc. All made to specific requirements. They will also be laying decking, doing jobs in peoples homes like making bookcases etc but the main part of their job will be with garden timber. They are wanting to use their initials within their name but want a catchy name that "says it all". They want to start making up business cards but cant do this unitl they have a name. Any ideas would be gratefully received.

I need help to find a name for my new business?
Gardener %26amp; Gates

Gates %26amp; Fencer

Yeah, I know, sounds like a dodgy firm of lawyers, but names such as the above are easy to remember. That's why people often have their firms named as such.
Reply:try this
Reply:inside out -
Reply:This is a great article about - How to Select a Company or Product Name - http://www.developer-resource.com/how-to...

The article has some good advice on how to research names, and what to becareful of.

Should get you started!

Best of luck
Reply:The Furniture
Reply:hand made

for the best erection in town

Thanks for last week.?

Just wanted to say a big thanks to all of you who sent me a cheer up message last week.

I had wanted to thank you all individually by member name, but when I checked my questions today, the ID's had gone.

You were all amazing, thank you so much for all the love and hugs you sent, it really did help.


My daughter's foot is healing well.

She DID get the job but I'll be her boss!!!

No news on my friend's test results yet, but i'm taking her for a Spa pampering session this weekend to cheer her up.

Garden furniture - yes it did need updating anyway.

So thanks again, it absolutely blew me away the fact that so many of you took the time to send your good wishes and support to a total stranger. I love you all. Stay safe. C x

Thanks for last week.?
You sound much happier now!

I'm pleased things are going better for you, and as for helping, well thats what we're here for!
Reply:I did not see your question last week but its nice to no your felling better

Next door's cat's...it's war! Help me tell them who'se boss?

There are 3 of them and they are always in my back garden and they poop on my front lawn...yesterday I left my french windows open and one of them got in and sprayed my sofa! I have a 3 year old and am pregnant...the cats treat my garden like their own...sleeping on my garden furniture and spraying everywhere.

I dont want to hurt them but want to make them stop coming in...in the UK cats are considered as responsible for themselves so I cannot ask my neighbour to do anything about it...though i supppose I could tell HER to clean the cat muck up on my lawn...she's a bit weird and you never see her.....what shall I do? I have got a water pistol yesterday and havent seen a cat since though I havent sprayed them yet....what other things can I do to keep them out?

Next door's cat's...it's war! Help me tell them who'se boss?
Reply:Get yourself a load of orange peel and put that along the border of your garden, cats hate it and it really works
Reply:If you don't have a dog or a cat of your own then the local cats are going to add your yard to their territories. This a fact of life where cats are concerned.

There are a few things you can try.

Get cat repellent pellets and scatter them over your flowerbeds and lawn.

Get cat repellent spray and spray it everywhere on all surfaces.

If you fences or a wall around your garden, you can get these anti-cat spikey things you can nail to the top of your fences, can't won't stand on them.

If you have a local zoo nearby, try asking them for big cat poop. Scatter some of that around the perimeter of your garden and no cat's will come anywhere near your garden.

Try not to leave your door's and windows open, if you really need/want to get yourself some mesh window screens and keep them closed.
Reply:I had the same problem with some of my neighbours cats and tried loads of stuff that didn't work, but recently I had this product recommended to me and I promise you it works

It's called "Silent Roar" and it's basically dried lion poo but it works because the cats can smell bigger cats and that frightens them - I just throw handfuls around my garden and I have seen the cats sat on the other side of the fence but they don't come in anymore - it is perfectly safe for kids as it's dried and sterilized. I got it from www.amazon.co.uk.

It usually has to be reapplied about every 2 months but if you have heavy rain it may need to be reapplied sooner.

Good Luck!
Reply:I know you can get some cat repelant sprays from Garden Centres...

If that doesnt work you should definately spray, we do it to one of our neighbourhood cats who steals our cats food and its kept that cat away.

Hope it helps

Reply:The hsoe thing wont work...my cats catch snakes quite frequently....They hate citrus peelings as suggested earlier..but here is a link with many deterents for felines...
Reply:Cat's hate the smell of moth balls .
Reply:put some ammonia in the water pistol...
Reply:dogs eat cat poop and run off cats--it worx 4 me
Reply:Take the water pistol back to the store and get out the garden hose and blast at full powder.

If your neighbor sees you giving her cats a "full blast" with the garden hose, ask her when she's going to get responsible!

I can't believe you can't do anything about her cats coming into your home with piss poor manners.

It's like, "let the games begin" when it comes to her cats. Think it's time to pick up all cat poop and put it into a paper bag (paper bag is recyclable) and give it to your neighbor as a gift in what ever manner you choose.

Keep the garden hose handy. Think the cats will get the hint and move on to their next victim when they get the "full blast" treatment a few times.

Good Luck .... Thumbs Up "You're The Boss!!"
Reply:Get a parsons jack russell they may be smallish, bigger than a standard jack russell, but they don't like cats and being a fiesty hunting dog do go for them.

Pepper dust works best if you don't have a dog, any good gardening shop will sell it, it makes the cats sneeze but doesn't hurt them once they learn to stay away. Put a whole bottle of it down one day, then watch and laugh.

Reply:You can try something like what is found here http://www.martleyelectronics.co.uk/cat_... If you can't get the owner to do the clean up please get someone else to do it. Pregnant women should not be around cat "mess".
Reply:Check your local pound. Our pound rents a cat cage for 50.00 that you get back when you return the cage. Set up the cage with some cat food in it and take the cat and cage to the pound.

Cat people need to keep their pets in their homes or on leashes when they are out. Their pet is not my pet and I should not have to be bothered by them.

Pregnant women should not be around cats, especially stray outdoor cats that are unkempt. Cats are carriers of Cytomeglivirus which can be caught by an unborn baby while the mother is carrrying the baby. The mother will be a carrier of this virus all her life if her baby catches it. She can only pass it on to unborn fetuses while around other pregnant women.

My baby went through extensive medical tests and treatments due to other peoples nasty cats.

Read about this virus also known as CMV.
Reply:scoop it up and put it on her door step
Reply:You can talk to the neighbor, you can scoop up the crap and leave it in her doorstep (not now while you are pregnant, as you may very well know.)

Or you can google "cat repellents." They sell some good products out there. Avoid "Heartz" brands and cheapos. Repel is a good one. But the thing about granules is you have to keep re-applying them.

If you lay some chicken wire on the soil, the cats can't scratch it. Tie up some wire sticking up to make it a little prickly and they'll never come back
Reply:put a few dummy snakes on the lawn cats hate them or pieces of hosepipe it works they will keep off your lawn
Reply:A dog is a good idea. If not, I've seen a product sold in garden catalogs that is a motion sensor water sprayer. I think it made to look like a crow.
Reply:As said try getting the stuff from the garden centres...also put a letter of complaint to your neighbour...they are her cats and if she does not react call the council or an animal welfare group...if they come over the fence try putting tabasco on it...they don't like it.

Neighbours cats! Help me!?

My next door neighbour has 3 cats and they are always in our back garden....they spray my garden furniture...including the cushions! My child has her toys out there and these cats play on her trampoline at night! I love cats but these are not even friendly ones...they dont let you stroke them or anything....they poop on my front lawn all the time....I tried putting those crystals down on the lawn but the minute it rains they melt away and the cats are back....I want to reclaim my lawn and my back garden....how can I without hurting the cats?

Neighbours cats! Help me!?
If your neighbours are letting their cats roam this is both inconsiderate and a health threat to your family. Especially your children. Outdoor cats usually get parasites and worms on a regular basis and chances are such irresponsible neighbours don't do anything about this. If these cats defecate on your property and your kids inadvertently come in contact with it, they are at risk. There are several cases a year documented of children losing there sight from being infected with one such worm. Call the municipality for their advice and ask what can be done. These are not stray cats so the owners ARE responsible for them and there should be bylaws on place for animal nuisances. I wish you well as it's always tough to have inconsiderate neighbours.
Reply:ORANGE PEELS ... cats hate them (i hate them too) and it seems to work ... put them near common areas that they like
Reply:check to see if your area has any ordinance about nuisance pets, in particular, cats. then try talking to your neighbor. if talking to the neighbor doesn't bring desired change, and if there is a government agency in your area that will get involved, contact it about the problem
Reply:good luck.

safety boots

Are rooks classed as pests?

There is a rookery very close to my residence, there are hundreds of rooks living in this rookery in some large trees.

The problems are, these birds form in my garden from the very early hours, not only that they pirch on our roof, conservitory and garden fence, not only causing terrific noise early morning but severe damage to property, cars, garden furniture etc. from extensive bird droppings.

The problem is the neighbers feed the smaller birds with bird feeders and this is attracting the rooks.

Now my question is are rooks a protected bird, and if not whos responsibility is it to keep the rook community in check to be a suitable size.

What is the solution from this bird nightmare

Are rooks classed as pests?
i've known several large houses that have rookery's basically its like the old saying "a crow in a crowd is a rook, a rook on it's own is a crow" - you best bet is to speak to enviromental health regarding the noise pollution and mess - you can get hold of them through your local council and they'll be able to tell you if any controls are in place. hope this helps.

Will it EVER stop raining!?

I bought a lovely new garden furniture set at the beginning of the 'summer' and now I'm wondering why....

Bored, bored, bored by the rain!!!!!!

Will it EVER stop raining!?
Too much rain is a pain but ask anyone who lives in a Country with too much sun and they would be jealous of you..
Reply:tell me about it were is are summer u r right rain is boring and horrible
Reply:get your money back and go to bingo lol
Reply:must stop one day, i bought lovely colour wood chippings for under my patio set, then the floods came and washed it all over the place,

all this weather great way for the kids to spend the summer holidays, they say it will all clear up end of this month

regards x kitti x
Reply:I've had enough of it now too. I havn't used my new barbecue yet and the kids have hardly been on their trampoline.
Reply:on the opposite, im bored of the heatwave here!

Reply:wheres the summer gone wheres the summer gone

wheres the summer gone wheres the summer gone

far far awayyyyyyyyyy.... ( to the music of wheres your mama gone)

I miss the sun waaaa
Reply:Yep, me too, british weather sucks,

Where is the sun?

It's summer now, isn't it?

Prefer a heatwave to floods anyday.
Reply:I like the rain.
Reply:You must live in Texas....I do and I am ready to start building an Ark........floating away........thanks

Need paint color ideas for dining room - samples everywhere!?

It has beige/tan carpet, med oak furniture and is between office which is lt/med green (garden fairy Lowes) and foyer which is dark taupe. Reds seem too formal, I hate pink. Overall house is casual and coastal, greens %26amp; tans. Orange seems too jarring. No windows in the room. Chair rail and trim in white. Could do different colors upper and lower wall.

Need paint color ideas for dining room - samples everywhere!?
Dining rooms are very nice in a cream color. I used Sherwin Williams "Creme" for mine, with accents done in a deeper cream-gold color that was on the same paint sample card, I think, called "Straw Doll" (Sherwin Williams #1365). I painted it so it could have a chair rail... darker color below the rail and lighter above. You could also use a strip of wallpaper around the middle, one of the fancy border designs, like a greek key design.

The cream/gold combination goes well with eating, and it lets you use green tableware with gold/yellow accents. It will be just perfect with the other nearby colors. And it will perk up the carpet to have the gold color just above it, while the room won't feel as close as it would if done entirely in a dark color.
Reply:Chocolate or cocoa color family might be nice.
Reply:i would say like a peach-ish color. or a creme yeah. or like that one person said, a chocolate color would look really good too.
Reply:http://www.benjaminmoore.com/bmpsweb/por... how about kansas grain by benj moore.? it's a type of yellow
Reply:Try using bright colors as it will enhance the color of your food and boost your appetite. Happy eating.

Puppy outdoor toilet training. Help!?

We have an adult German shorthaired pointer that is well toilet trained (inside and outside) she does her business up the sideway of our house which is great but our 6 month old pup (same breed) and she will do her business anywhere she likes. She is 'inside' toilet trained but outside is a problem. I've tried many methods but nothing seems to work. They're extremely smart dogs but i can't get get the pup to 'go' up the sideway like the other dog. They both used to 'go' on the grassed section of the backyard but we have had to fence that area off as the puppy chews all our plants, garden furniture etc. which she will grow out of but until then they live on the concrete section. It seems the only place she doesn't do her business is in their kennel! It's a big problem because when i come home from work and its dark i can't see what i'm stepping on!

Does anyone have any suggestions to help with training her?

Is there something (in Australia) i can spray on the concrete to deter her?

Puppy outdoor toilet training. Help!?
Two issues: avoid the concrete and go in a specific spot

For the concrete, it may be the smell. Wash the area with soap and water, then wash with vinegar. Don't use ammonia... and the soap may not have eliminated the urine smell.

To go in a specific spot, she may not want to go in "his" spot. So clean up his mess every other day. At the same time, take a small piece of her mess and put it in the spot where you want her to go. It might be helpful if you can lead her to that spot to let her smell it.

That might help to prime the pump....
Reply:Put her on a leash when you take her out to do her business. Walk her right to where you want her to go and don't let her leave until she does. When she's done, go crazy with the praise and take her away from the "toilet" area to play. It might take a while but she will eventually get into the habit of going only in that spot. This is what I did with my dog and he will hold it if he can't find a spot covered with pine needles to go.
Reply:i agree, if you praise her and give her a treat it will work. we took my dog to a trainer, and thats basically what they did. lol paying money for something so simple

safety shoes

HELP NEEDED!! staffordshire terrier pup destroying everything in sight... HELP!!!?

Hey! we have an older staffie of 7yrs (tasha), and a new puppy, most likely a yr old (maddie). However, since we got her last year, Maddie has been destroying our home and belongings, such as our decking and garden furniture, clothes and especially shoes, and she even continuously tore apart her huge £25 bed!! we have to constantly watch what we leave lying around (however, you can never remember all the time) and it is becoming a nightmare. They both go on long walks at least twice a day and are always shown much love and attention, however we are at our wits end as to how we can stop- her constant destruction. The older dog has never been this bad and we are unsure as to what we can do. we can't go on like this and to try and find her a new home would be heartbreaking for everyone.

Please help! If you have any advice then feel free to contact me or leave a message.

thank you,

danni x x x

HELP NEEDED!! staffordshire terrier pup destroying everything in sight... HELP!!!?
Yes, you do have to be diligent. Train the dog on what to chew and what not to. Give the dog a couple of chew toys. Too many toys and the dog thinks anything is fair game. When the dog picks the right thing to chew praise her a lot. When she picks the wrong thing tell her "no" make her give it up and give her one of her chew toys. When you can not watch her like a hawk , crate her. Good luck...
Reply:Crate her. Do not worry about the other dog, they will cope! How about a behaviourist? Ask the vet for help and advice. This has got to be stopped asap.
Reply:like many people have said you need to put her in a cage when your not in she will get used to it in the end, we have 4 staffs the 2 older ones stay out and the 2 younger ones go in the cage with no trouble at all,just make sure she has plenty of toys and tuggers to chew.Also you may think about getting her done if you are not going to breed from her.But definitely recommend a cage without a doubt.Hope all goes well and best of luck!!
Reply:First you got her as a pup and now you have taught her this is okay by NOT training her properly.

Crtate her !!!
Reply:Hi Danni, dont dispair! i agree with the person suggesting to let her off the lead when your out with her,its vital that by the time you get home shes knackered! my westies the same. really tire her out with play %26amp; fun,shel be asleep by the time you get in!! also put her in the garden if you have one, keep your chin up shel get older %26amp; slower!
Reply:my son has a staffie who has done the same try training class
Reply:theres a spray stuff that you can get to stop him/her chewing ! and get some rawhide bones !
Reply:i also suffered with my staffy/lady,all i can advice is,do you give ur dog plently off walks,they have so much bouce,i always let lady off her lead,so that way she has a proper run and loses some off that extra energy,people say get toys,lady wasnt intrested in them,goodluck and do keep trying.
Reply:Do you have any idea what the younger dog was like ( behavior wise) before you got her?

Hard to say whether this is new behavior or old stuff! It is clear though that confining her to a "safe" area for a while is going to be necessary for a short term!

I wonder if the new dog is jealous of the attention that your older dog gets?

With all the trouble and damage she is involved in, perhaps her attention is more negative than positive ( but better than no attention at all!)

Have you tried getting her strong, tough toys to play with? Would you consider confining her to an exercise pen until she learns some manners? What method of discipline do you use when you catch her "in the act" of destroying things? A "time out' in a crate would be advantageous as a disciplinary method.

Are you leader of the pack? If not, some obedience classes directed at achieving this status (for you) would be valuable.

When you adopt an older puppy, you might be inheriting the dog because of it's bad behavior that someone else couldn't tolerate.

Since I now adopt only senior dogs, I understand the problems that one can face in taking in such a dog!

If you have any way of contacting an animal behaviorist that understands rehomed dog behavior, it would be an invaluable resource for you!

My question would be, has this dog been kept in a kennel and hasn't had the opportunity to do the things that home raised dogs encounter at a very young age? If not, she might just be fascinated by all the things she is now able to trash!

I congratulate you for attempting to find a solution to the problem and wish you good fortune at discovering the reason behind the behavior!
Reply:sell the dog, or lose everything you have
Reply:I,d have have to crate that Tasmanian devil.

It might sound cruel, but sometimes that the only answer.
Reply:i too have a staff we have had loads of dogs this is the first staffy her names tia and she was so bad as a pup,i had 2 put her in the kitchen when i went out coz she chewed everything so it helped keepin her in 1 room til she chewed thought the wall,tias now 4 and as good as gold shes just gotta grow up hang on in there!!! good luck
Reply:my staffie did exactly the same he chewed holes in the sofa, broke the kids swings,chewed shoes ,toys everything really.then one day i came home seen the mess he made shouted at him and ignored him all week . serious he never chewed again.and he has made a brill pet
Reply:Well check out its mental welfare. If you find out whats wrong on the inside you can help whats on the outside.
Reply:The dog is doing this out of boredom and quite possibly it wants to be the ALPHA in the house.

We had a similiar situation and did find the dog another home.
Reply:all puppies go through a stage like that. i have a jack russel terrior and he did the same thing. you just need to make him regret doing anything bad. rebuke him with the object he destroyed in your hand for instance. he will relate what he did with punishment. hope this helps tell me how it works.
Reply:Try a cage, it wont do her any harm, and will give you peace when you cant watch. It really works, I have done it for years with my puppies. Get big one so she has plenty of room.
Reply:Crating her is not mean and can provide her with a sense of safety and security. You should never leave this type of dog uncrated in the house with another dog. They can get into a fight over a piece of string on the floor with no one there to supervise them. Then you would know what heartbreak is. Please crate one or both of the dogs for their safety and your piece of mind.
Reply:i would get her some chewing toys and a bed she cant tare up, preferable a mettle one with a pillow or blanket in it
Reply:ok. i am no expert on dogs but having raised two staffies and looking after a poodle cross with staffy tendencies, i feel i can give you some suggestion which may help.

my dogs dont chew shoes etc but when i get new shoes, they might get interested but they get checked in time. what i do is put eucalyptus oil on the shoes ( i show them and let them sniff it) . that becomes a deterrent and they associate the shoes with the negative reinforcer.

what you can do to test is let them sniff the eucalyptus. if they turn away and sneeze, then its good . thats my rule of thumb that they dont like it. alternatively, vinegar, apple cider, tiger balm, will do but you must test it out. good luck.
Reply:You can crate her as she will love it. Our staffie would go into her cage willingly. The other thing you could do is use a bitter spray on the things she likes to chew. If you catch her chewing a water pistol will discourage her without hurting.

They are super dogs as you already know. I lost both of mine and cannot replace them due to circumstances. Good luck this period will pass.
Reply:they are all like this
Reply:I have had dogs all my life and only rarely had dogs quite that naughty.

I have never resorted to 'crating', them but you do have to be severe.

Next time it happens hold the damaged object right under her nose and belt her really hard on the flanks with a rolled up newspaper (til she squeals). I know it sounds cruel but it does work and you only have to do it a couple of times before the lesson sinks in.
Reply:Crate train her and get the advice of a professional dog trainer.It has nothing to do with your other dog not being in a crate.Or if it makes you feel better,crate them together.
Reply:A lot of doggie agression and bad behavior can be caused by neglect. I'm not saying you are a bad doggie owner, but if the dog does not get enough attention he/she will start to act out. The new dog probably sees the older dog as competition and wants all the attention. You should have a set time each day or night where you give each dog 20 minutes of your total attention. Each dog will expect it and welcome it and perhaps start to realize that they do not have to compete for your attention or do bad things to get your attention.
Reply:Yes, have to agree with some of these people! A cage is the only way. You might feel guilty but as long as you love your dog and don't cause it physical harm then it is fine. Dogs don't mind cages, they like their own little space!

Sadly dogs don't have possesions so everything to them is fair game! They can't make the distiction between 'toy' and 'not toy'

Try and think like a dog! It will help you be less cross about it! :)

My dog kept weeing in the bedroom where she slept and I just couldn't stop her, like you I was at my wits end so now she sleeps in a cage! Problem solved!! (She even goes into it in the day when she wants a nap!!)
Reply:You need to catch her in the act and scold her for chewing things than provide her with apropriate things to chew... aftr a while she will ge tthe idea
Reply:have you tried crate training for when you can't be there?

Try teaching your dog the command 'leave' for so that you can stop her in the act

Use something like sausage and have a piece in each hand. Offer one piece it to your dog (make sure they are sitting or lying down. When they go for it say firmly 'leave' and move the treat away. Immediatly offer the other hand with the treat say 'good dog' and let them have it.

You should be able to increase the time before rewarding slowly and leave the treat in front of them for longer simply saying leave.

You can do this with their dinner as well. Get them to sit and then put the bowl in front of them making sure they stay in the sit (ask somw one to hold them or use a lead if need be)

Only let them eat on your command.

This type of thing will reinforce you being in charge and should help with the chewing.
Reply:I note that you said that you do not want to "crate" her and I am very pleased about that!

I suggest that you look at your dogs diet! If you are feeding a diet too high on protein it could be what is causing your problem. Excess protein can manifest itself as...Aggression....Fear..........Being Noisy....Being Destructive.

Find yourself a good quality CHICKEN based dried food and feed that ONLY. No treats (take them out of the chicken meal ration.) No scraps from the table. NOTHING extra or else this therapy will not work. Just accompanied by fresh water of course. You could up the exercise so that they get tired, too!

It will take about six to eight weeks to take effect but I have had results in as little as two weeks when a huge bouquet of flowers was delivered to my door. Please try it. What have you got to lose?Just two large bags of a different food could sort your problem and make your life bearable. Both dogs could go onto this food if it makes it easier for you.

GooD Luck to you all! Perhaps you could let us know how you get on?
Reply:Cage her when she has to be left unsupervised. Lots and lots of exercise. A tired puppy is a good puppy. If she likes to play Frisbee or fetch anything else that's a great way to wear her out. Don't give her anything to use as a toy that isn't really a toy. As in, some people use old socks as tuggy toys then the dog doesn't know the difference between the sock that's the toy or your best socks. Also you can get a product at pet stores called Bitter Apple. Just spraying Bitter Apple on things you don't want her to chew on won't do anything unless you let her know how awful it tastes. What you have to do is open her mouth and give her a good spray of it right on her tongue. Now I know that sounds mean but it is a necessary step. If you give her a strong spray of it, she will associate that smell with the bad taste. After she knows how bad it tastes, she won't want anything with that smell in her mouth. Good luck with training her because if you can't change these behaviors she doesn't have much of a chance of a good life with anyone. Hopefully you can help her get past this. Some of these behaviors do get better once they get past the puppy stage. I know you say she is at least a year old, but some dogs mature a little more slowly than others.
Reply:Well, she is still a puppy...

she needs plenty of toys and such around..

she is a high drive breed and has needs ...

play with her more play with her often...

instead of 15=20 mins of play time make it into just 5 mins here and 5 mins there...

dogs don't think in time... only actions...

I would crate her inbetween the times of play...

play and go into crate to think about the good time she just had...

come out to play again...

gee good things happen going in and coming out.. the crate becomes a good place to be...

NEVER use it for punishment.

Good Luck... Crate or start spending money to replace the things she destroys... (smiles)

H.O.T. Dog

Handler Owner Trainer of GSD's

Member U.S.A- MSSV - A.W.D.F

Can anyone cheer me up?

One or two of you might have noticed that i've been a bit quieter this past few days.

It's been the week from hell so far.

Sunday - my little girl broke a bone in her foot falling off her bike.

Monday - my oldest friend called to say she was having tests for possible leukemia.

Tuesday - I sat on an interview panel at work and found myself interviewing a woman who once caused me terrible hurt. The problem is that she is the best candidate for the position and the other panelists voted for her to be appointed.

Today - got in from work to find my garden furniture had been stolen (yes, really! My garden furniture for c*****s sake)!!! Of-course the police were SOOO concerned.

So I sat here half an hour ago to see what questions I wanted to answer and ended up dropping tears onto the keyboard.

A nice hello or too would be really welcome, you guys always make me smile: ((

Can anyone cheer me up?
hey there!

sure does sound like a week from hell.

here's a bit of the bright side.

you have a little girl. how wonderful! they heal fast when they're young.

you have a great friend. lucky you! hope the tests are ok

you've got a job. lots of folks are looking for good jobs. that hurtful candidate will get hers in the long run.

the furniture? that sucks. you must have good taste cause they wanted it.

keep your chin up and count your blessings!

the best to ya!
Reply:If i tickled your toes %26amp; blew raspberries on your bellybutton would that cheer you up?
Reply:well if it helps any,

there are always something worse happening

to someone else.

think of it, there are kids in africa starving.

wife's finding out that there [loving] husband was having

an affair with their boss.

or have you ever watched the show SCARRED on mtv.

tons or blood and junk that has happened to them

when your daughter is fortunate enough to ONLY have a

broken bone.

so try to have a good day :]

i wish you the best

Reply:WOW!! So sorry you have had such a tough week. Always seems like when it rains it pours. My mom has Leukemia and has been in remission for 3 years. Found out today that her counts are down but hoping it is because of medication she is taking. It is tough to go through having someone you love be that sick. I will pray that the tests will come back in a positive manner and she does not have it. Amazing what jerks will steal from your backyard. Had my gas grill propane tank stolen couple of weeks go and well it was worth more then the grill. Keep your chin up. Crap happens and it can only get better for you. ((((((((Catherine))))))) Big hug for you.
Reply:you may not feel like it happens but ther is always someone worse off than you. It has been one of those days and things can only get better.

Reply:Ifyou could see my smile you would smile 2

But here's a hug GOOD DAY
Reply:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OZMoRwFv... . I really sorry to here that.
Reply:Chin up,babe.I'm channelling a hearty hug in your general direction even as i type.

this horse walks into a bar and the barman says "why the long face ?"

ho ho ho
Reply:bless ya what a s**t week you have had! The only thing that's gonna cheer u up is a get together with your mates get everything off your chest and a few drinks maybe.
Reply:your a nice lady dont let those kind of things get you down .sorry to hear about your little girl but her foot will get better as will everthing else just put it all behind you and think of all the good things that are to come hope this helps. I hope your friend gets good news I will think of her in my prayers dont ever give up hope

Reply:Awwwwwww hun bless ya xxxx

have a star to cheer you up, its the best I can do I'm afraid xx

chin up chick
Reply:hello cathy dont let the bastards get to you, just think on that next week should be better get yourself out wi friends it always works for me
Reply:Here's some hugs (((((()))))))

Here's a smile :-)

Hope you have a better tomorrow.....

Reply:hi there please don't worry about things

its gonna rain for the rest of the week so it was a waste getting the garden stuff cause they ain't gonna use it

any way i find things have ways of fixing themselves out
Reply:wow, and I thought my life was bad

Don't worry, it might be a good day tomorrow
Reply:Hi Catherine. I am so sorry that things seem to be bringing rain clouds your way. I'm glad you little girl just broke her foot...after all, it could have been her head. Your friend may not have leukemia and even if she did she will get treatment and be alright (positive thinking). The woman who got hired may be a different person now and if not, just think that karma does exist and one day she will get hers. And that garden furniture probably looked like cr*p and now you have a great reason to get some new ones. I probably failed miserably at making you smile but I tried and my heart is in the right place...I think. I say dry those tears up and put up your chin. The sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom that tomorrow there'll be sun!
Reply:ah hi have a star
Reply:i know this sounds cheesy but where there's a storm follows a calm, we all have bad days, last week my good friend was found dead in his room, he did it to himself, it was a terrible blow, now we have to face a funeral this Friday and i am dreading it, if only he had have come to us to talk, but he didn't, he opted for a way out......things happen for a reason and right now i am feeling pretty low....but i have to stay strong for my families sake, i hope that your friends test results are good ones...do not think the worst until you find out for sure if she has leukaemia, stay strong for her.... cheer up hun...things are not as bad as they seem at the end of the day, i am holding it together and i am sure tomorrow will be different for you...so sorry about your little girls foot and as for the furniture, let the thieving little runts have it.....people like that will have bad luck all their lives and will go nowhere in life...count yourself lucky that you have your family to fall back on....also this person who you interviewed, don't hang onto the past, it will make you ill, what goes round comes round...Karma will bite her bum, mark my words....if she's good for the job then so be it...you don't have to talk to her do you? i really cannot think of what to say that will cheer you up but i will say that things will get better....tomorrow is another day....take care....x
Reply:Hello..................Sorry you feel bad but in Gods great scheme of things it doesnt seem that bad at all. Its just kind of life.

Sun - Your daughters foot will heal

Mon - It might not be Leukemia its just tests, and if it is maybe its caught in time (why worry before it happens)

Tues - The woman might not accept the job and even if she does she may have changed and you should have moved on anyway.

Today - Garden furniture..........replace it or live happily without it. (its raining anyway)

I dont want to say this for you to think i feel sorry for myself, thats not the case at all, im just using myself as an example.

Im disabled and and have recently been completely deafened (i cant hear at all now) im also in remission with Cancer, all thats never ever going to go away, ive got a young family and im never ever going to hear my childrens laughter again. I cant heal or pop to B%26amp;Q for a new body.

I had a wonderful fullfilling important job i cant no longer do, i now work from home doing a boring one.

BUT......Im sooo happy, coz i see every day as a real blessing and i dont let life get me down.

Im fully aware there are people out there far worse off than me...............but you are not one of them.

Stop thinking so negatively!

Your daughter could have broke her neck!

Your friend could have died on the way for the tests!

The woman at work could have been your replacement!

And you could have been at the house and attacked by the thieves that nicked your garden furniture!

When you look at it that way you are a VERY lucky person!!

Keep your chin up and smile, not because of Yahoo answers but because you want to be a happy person for yourself and you wont let anything spoil that.

Reply:GOTTA THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! Bunnies, yummy cookies, smiley faces, cows, cookies, cedar point(hellz yeah!!!), games, cookies, bright cooolors, baby birdies, cookies, high school musical(scratch that, that movies scary), NOT barney, cookies, me(omg, I am sooo funny), cookies, just don't let it hurt. Bake some cookies, or just talk to someone about cookies, or buy cookies and eat em! Trust me, it works!
Reply:keep ya chins up hun x u woke up today so must be a bounusx
Reply:your daughters foot ok? hope it is . work is just work thats it. not is important as your girls foot. hey you are insured right? claim on your insurance for the garden stuff. dont take life too seriously

especially when it comes to work. good luck and i hope the little girls foots ok.
Reply:I'm sorry you've had such a rough week...hopefully something on this list will bring a smile to your face...if not...well here's a little virtual hug just in case (((HUG))), next week will be better.

20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit in Your Parked Car with Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer at Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.

4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."

5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once everyone has gotten over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds."

7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With the Prophecy."

8. Don't use any punctuation

9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

10. Order diet water with a serious face whenever you go out to eat.

11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."

12. Sing Along At The Opera.

13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme

14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day.

15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're not in the Mood.

16. Have Your Co-workers Address You by Your Wrestling Name, "Rock Bottom."

17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won! I Won!"

18. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, yelling "Run for Your Lives, They're Loose!!"

19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."

20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity...

E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile... It's Called Therapy.
Reply:hi sorry to hear you had a week from hell,hope you feel better soon,cheer up x
Reply:Hey think positive sorry for all the trouble that you have had. heres something funny My 19 month old daughter said duck this morning but it sounded like f*%#
Reply:There is always a mix of things in this world, good and bad, tall and short, pretty and ugly. I guess you have to take things as they come. You wouldn't call something 'good' unless you had something 'bad' to compare it with would you?

Sunday - be thankful, it was just a little bone that your daughter broke. She was lucky.

Monday - Your oldest friend is lucky to have you. She was able to get it out of her chest by telling you. Just eb there for her, you'll be a great support.

Tuesday - At least you now have authority over her. You actually interviewed her!

Today- they took you chairs. Some ppl end up breaking in. That did not happen. That itself is a relief.

Cheer up girl. it'll rain good things soon.
Reply:my teacher died yesterday. I had a cute baby rabbit once.
Reply:well next week sbound to be better

someone is really testing you up there

ask for a hug from your kids

and get a cat they are always so loving
Reply:Right well firstly

big hugs to you hun!! things can only get better you just have to ride the wave keep going and stay as possitive as you can. Things always happen for a reason.

It sounds like you have been through a rought time but you have to stay strong for your daughter and other family members. garden furniture although frustrating can always be replaced, but your health and wellbeing may suffer if you do not pick yourself up and do something to make you feel better.

Im thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.
Reply:hi how are you? we are with you at heart you are not alone we wil be there for you just keep calling on us. cry and let it all out and come back home and help us u no we need you here. smile for me pls pls thr you go one more smile now laugh. keep your head up.
Reply:HI!!!! Smile! it will get better! god will never give you more then you can handle!


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