Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can i stop my 2 jack russel's digging up my garden when i go out? the oldest is only 2 years!?

Tried shutting them indoors while i'm out but they destroy my furniture! they have plenty of toys, i don't know what else 2 try??!

How can i stop my 2 jack russel's digging up my garden when i go out? the oldest is only 2 years!?
JR's are very active dogs. They have loads of energy and need lots of exercise. Shutting them indoors will make them go wacko. You really ned to be out side with them and playing...often.
Reply:take his shovel off of him

or small piece of lead in his ear put it in with a colt 45
Reply:When you leave them inside, put them in a kennel. This should be standard practice for any dog that has shown a tendency to be destructive. When you let them out, put up a fence around the garden. They also make portable invisible fences. It is a stake that goes into the ground and makes an invisible fence in a circle around it. You set how big of a circle it is. Train them, or prevent the behavior. The answer really is pretty simple.
Reply:you need to chop off thier paws
Reply:sprinkle moth balls where you don't want them to be in the garden
Reply:flag the garden.
Reply:When my dog was digging up the garden i would put curry powder where they dug the most, or pepper, it makes them sneeze and they don't do it again, but saying that my english bull terrier who didn't dig the garden up sarted to because she liked the taste of curry, but it's worth a try and doesn't cost much
Reply:put wire fence around the garden
Reply:Jack Russells need a lot of excercise and training. If they don't get it, they find their own ways to entertainment them.
Reply:terriers are digging dogs. this is what they do! you cant teach them not too. didnt you research them beofre you got one? duh
Reply:The first and most obvious thing to try would be to fence the garden- if they cant get in, they cant very well dig it up!

If a solid fence wont work, or there isnt room to put one in, you could try a "sonic fence" product- they sell them online and in some pet stores. Basically they emit a high-pitched frequency that dogs can hear, but people cant (like a dog whistle)- the dogs dont like the sound, so they stay away from it.

You may also want to offer them some more constructive ways of using their energy. KONG brand toys are excellent- they're made of hard rubber with little slots and holes so you can put treats inside. The dogs can smell the treats in the toy, so they play with it relentlessly. Over time the toy will release bits of treat, so the dog is getting rewarded and will continue to play with it. The same toy can keep the dog occupied almost indefinately- just change what kind of treats are in it from time to time so they dont get bored with their rewards! :)
Reply:This is how.........

Click on the below link and I will show you the way........
Reply:Dogs with poor manners belong in crates when they are not being supervised.
Reply:Jack Russel's are usally very hyperactive. They need alot of excersize every day. About 2 hours every day. If you cant give them 2 hours build a fence about 6' by 8' that should be big enough for 2 jack russels
Reply:get them a sand pit and a bu cit and spade

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