Saturday, November 19, 2011

My neighbour has part of my garden...?

my door is at the side of my house, and theres a fence that runs one metre in front of it, at the side of that fence is my neighbours kitchen window, That has 3 METRES , i cannot get a pram into my house and have great differcultly movin furniture in and out,

i know that this is a health and safety issue, and i have been told by council workers that the fence needs to move further back, allowing me to gain full accsess to my property, and also it will give me another 1.5 metres of garden that goes all the way down,

my neighbour has just recently bought her home, and has made other residents move their boundrys back to the correct places. the issue of the fence was raised when she actually thought i had her land, and when we looked at the council boundry map, she had MINE! and then a week later the boundry line had been CHANGED to suit her, AS SHE SHOUTS THE LOUDEST! the council are a waste of time, what should i do?

My neighbour has part of my garden...?
Weather you own or not, councils tenants have the same rights as "homeowners". If you are a tenant, you need to go to the council and get a copy of the original bounderies, and see if there is any way they can help. If not then go to the C.A.B and get proper legal advise ( bringing up the "Health %26amp; Safety" issues). See how loud you can shout. What makes her so special.Her S*it still stinks!!!!!! You could threaten to sue if you hurt yourself, trying to get your pram in! Good luck
Reply:she couldn't possibly get the boundary changed within a week go to th council and ask to see the planning file on her property and yours look up the land registry files to see the defining boundarys whatever itn says on these is true. you can get copies to show her if she doesn't believe you. your local council has to have the files and it doesn't cost anything to see them
Reply:I bought a piece of property at auction for a rental house, but didn't bargain for the next door neighbor. As soon as the "sold" came from the auctioneer, she was in my face. She was yelling at me that my house was sitting on her property and she wanted it moved, as she had tried to get the previous owners to do. I went to the city and found the maps. What I found was that my house was not on her property, but the down spouts coming off the house were. My next step was to hire a survey crew to stake the exact placement of my property line. There is now a lovely fence dividing the property. She still yells, but I know I'm right. The city can not change the property lines, they are plainly listed in your property deed. Surveying isn't the cheapest, but sometimes it is the only way.
Reply:damn what a b**** she is what you need to do is fight for your property and not let her have her way
Reply:learn to shout louder

stand your ground

continue approuching the council and be firm

if that doesnt work flatten her tires
Reply:I don't know. Does your neighbor have part of your garden? I don't understand the question.
Reply:Have the plat surveyed and boundaries made clear. Make her move the fence if it's on your side!!
Reply:If you were in states you could take her to Judge judy's court.
Reply:Is this a council house? If yes, and you cannot get any sense from the town hall, the next step is your local councillor, after that your MP, after all that is what they are paid for.
Reply:Oh no you should see the council and appeal it because the original boundary map says its yours , you should keep it and the council should notify you if you dint agree with the decision when the neighbor approached them. get the council to reconsider better yet demand them to reconsider.

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